Project Development & Community Engagement
Community Outreach
Your project is complex - neighbors have questions and you have answers. How you deliver those answers can be the difference between unanimous support and vehement opposition. Building trust with the community through a simple, engaging, and inclusive outreach program is the most critical thing you will do before approaching local government officials. Barrett Hardiman has experience building unique engagement strategies that connect community influencers, business leaders, and neighbors to support complicated land use projects. Utilizing traditional media, social media, community meetings, and door-to-door advocacy are just a few strategies to build a coalition of advocates for your project.
Business Collaboration
Identifying and recruiting the right partners can present added challenges when starting a new project in a new place. The Richmond region is a tight-knit community full of deep relationships, unique challenges, and plentiful opportunities. Navigating the history of a place like Richmond to help build trust around a vision for the future requires an understanding and recognition of that history. Your seat at all the right tables is just a phone call away with Hardimand Advisors. Let us help you quickly and easily incorporate your new idea into the patchwork of the region.
Local Government Assessments
So much is at stake with your proposal, you need to know if the local government will be receptive to your ideas before investing. Hardiman Advisors can provide you with an assessment of what is happening in local governments around the Commonwealth of Virginia. Whether you want a brief overview of the leaders and their recent decisions or a high level of detail customized to your industry and project, Hardiman Advisors can give you what you need to make well-informed decisions.
Continued Monitoring and Engagement
Getting to "yes" on your project is just step one. During the implementation phase, the community will still be interested in what is happening, project timing, progress, and potential disruptions. Hardiman Advisors will be your consistent connection to the community while your project is ongoing to ensure that progress is steady and uninterrupted.