Connecting You to Your Government and Community
One decision can be the difference between success and failure. Knowing how, when, and to whom to communicate the details of your project can be critical to what drives those decisions. Understanding your audience, building trust, and effectively leveraging relationships can take years of research and work. When you need to connect quickly with the Virginia legislature and local leaders in Virginia, Hardiman Advisors can serve as your guide to having the greatest chance of achieveing your goals.
Hardiman Advisors is a full service government relations, business development, and community engagement firm. Hardiman Advisors will help you find a strategy that connects your issue or project with the right decision makers and community partners.
Whether you need assistance with state legislation, finding local partners for a development project, assistance with local land use zoning, or guidance on how to connect your business with the community Hardiman Advisors has a solution for you.
Connecting with your audience is your best chance for winning them over. Find the common thread. Let them know that you care and make them a part of your process. When you hire Hardiman Advisors you immediately benefit from a lifetime of connections, relationships, and experience that will get you to the results you want.
Connect - Engage - Build Trust
Barrett Hardiman's experience with state and local governments extends across Virginia and beyond Richmond to include multi-state lobbying and federal strategy. His passion for Virginia led him to found Hardiman Advisors and focus all of his efforts on representing clients before the Virginia legislature, executive branch, and local governments.
With more than 15 years of experience building relationships and coalitions, Barrett has successfully represented industries across a broad spectrum of issues and has developed deep ties within the Virginia government and Richmond community.
Barrett's experience includes trade association management and lobbying, advocacy for transportation funding and affordable housing, land use and economic development for a mining company and managing the state and federal legislative strategy for a Fortune 500 Insurance Company.
Barrett is actively engaged in ensuring access to equitable transportation and affordable housing in the Richmond region, while connecting with regulators and legislators in Virginia and across the country on complex insurance and finance issues.
Barrett has been recognized by national trade organizations for his grassroots lobbying efforts and strategies, and has served in leadership roles for several non-profits and regional and state governing bodies.
A native Richmonder, Barrett earned his Bachelors from the University of Virginia in 2001. He has served on multiple non-profit and government sponsored boards. Currently, he chairs the Outreach and Local Projects Committee of the Richmond Metropolitan Transportation Authority and he was the first Chairperson of the Virginia Solar Energy Development Authority.